Sunday, May 23, 2010

They Chill

Macy and Clark have had a lot of Daddy daughter bonding time lately. They "hang out" and "chill," as Clark likes to call it. I tutor for an hour Monday through Thursday, so they have that time each day, and I try to work out Monday through Saturday. It is so cute the special little bond they have. Macy ALWAYS smiles when she sees her daddy. I hope this lasts forever. I Love my little family!

Don't they look like twins?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

5 Months!!!

My baby is 5 months old. It feels like it has been forever and no time at all...crazy how that works. She is just getting so cute and full of personality. She loves playing with her toys and she can actually play with them now. Her toes have become a favorite toy. She holds them, sucks on them, uses the to push things and pick things up. She knows what a rattle is for and makes plenty of noise.

Macy has quite the sense of humor. She thinks it is the funniest thing to bite me while nursing, and when I say no or ouch, she laughs and laughs and laughs. It is so hard to keep a straight face because she is just so cute when she laughs. She also LOVES her voice...when she makes a new noise, she smiles like she did something so cool. She also likes to make raspberries with her tongue all the time...she gets spit everywhere.

Macy remains to be super laid back and calm...she is my angel baby. People are usually very impressed by how mild mannered she is. If I could 10 babies like her, I would.

Macy is getting close to sitting by herself, she can do it for a couple of seconds before she falls. She started rolling over from her back to her tummy last week. She was trying to get her toy and over she went. She wasn't so sure what happened. Whenever she rolls over, it is an accident, but that just means that she wont be moving around and I wont have to chase after I'll take it.

As you can probably see, Macy is still super tall and skinny. She just keeps growing longer and longer, her chub just can't keep up. Because she isn't all chubby, she looks so much older. Everytime I look at her, I just can't believe how much she has grown up...she looks like a little girl already.

Macy is definitely interested in the world around her. This also has some negative effects for some people that meet her. Instead of just smiling and being happy with everyone she meets, she sometimes just investigates them or cries. I'm not sure what makes her like someone right away and why with others she is more stand offish, but I fear that stranger anxiety is coming on.

Macy's favorite position to be in is standing...when I sit her down, she many times tries to stand up. She is so close to standing on her's crazy. I can just support her thighs and she balances herself...or I hold her hands and she can support herself(but she has been doing that for a couple months).

Clark and I have done some at home she approximately weighs 15 lbs and she is around 28 inches long.

We LOVE da Macy!!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Flashback Friday

Every time I look at Macy, I just can't believe how big she is. Where has the time gone? Where is my newborn? Where is my baby that looks like this?

I have always heard mother's talk about how they dont want their babies to grow up. I was excited to see Macy grow, but a couple weeks ago I got a pit in my stomach realizing that Macy would not always be my baby. One day she will grow up, move out, get married and have her own babies. MY BABY! I want her to be my baby forever...and forever she will be my baby at heart.

I watched her birth the other day that my sister so nicely taped without exposing me at all (thanks Melissa). I bawled my eyes out...oh how I love my baby Macy!!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sleep: The Journey

I drove home from a nice get together with old roommates determined to teach Macy to sleep on her own. I was waivering on letting her cry to's just so hard to hear her cry. Well, she cried the entire 30 minutes home and fell asleep nursing when we got back. I figured I would start the next day. She woke up after sleeping 30 minutes, I went in and tried to rock her back to sleep...didn't work. I gave up, laid her down and let her cry herself to sleep. It took about 15 minutes. I thought, "Wow, maybe I can do this!"

The next day, I had a lot to get done, so I left Clark to stay with Macy while she cried it out. I got a couple "I hate you" text messages, and when I got back from the grocery store, Macy was sleeping on her daddy's chest. I gave him a scolding for saving her.

I started the routine of singing her "I am a Child of God" and then laying her in her crib. At night I also read her "Good Night Moon."

Macy would scream her head off when I laid her in her crib. She would slobber all over the place and then inhale her slobber and then scream louder. It scared me that she would suffocate on her spit, so I started going in the room after she cried for about 15 minutes and holding her head down and patting her back until she fell asleep. This became routine for the first 2 or 3 days.

I thought that Macy would never get better at falling asleep. I would start crying hearing her cry and it was really hard for Clark and myself. We were both really on edge during this. I prayed over and over that she would just get even a little bit better.

Right after I prayed...Macy started just whining instead of full on screaming. The time of crying went significantly down and she even started taking a pacifier when going to bed.

We have had times where she went to bed with out a single tear or noise and times where she cried for 20-30 minutes before falling asleep. I am so glad that I decided to let Macy cry herself to has made for a happier baby and happier and more productive mommy.