Friday, May 7, 2010

Flashback Friday

Every time I look at Macy, I just can't believe how big she is. Where has the time gone? Where is my newborn? Where is my baby that looks like this?

I have always heard mother's talk about how they dont want their babies to grow up. I was excited to see Macy grow, but a couple weeks ago I got a pit in my stomach realizing that Macy would not always be my baby. One day she will grow up, move out, get married and have her own babies. MY BABY! I want her to be my baby forever...and forever she will be my baby at heart.

I watched her birth the other day that my sister so nicely taped without exposing me at all (thanks Melissa). I bawled my eyes out...oh how I love my baby Macy!!!

1 comment:

  1. It is so nice when your child can finally relate to the same feelings you've had. (Mom, at Melissa's house)
