Saturday, July 17, 2010

6 and 7 months

Macy is now 7 months! It is so crazy to me that there are only 5 months until she will be a whole year long. I never knew time could fly so fast!
I am amazed daily at how fast Macy is learning and developing now. She is constantly doing something new and exciting.
Macy started sitting at 6 months, but now she can sit much longer and more stable. She also started scoot crawling at 6 months. She would lay on her belly and pull herself forward with her hands and push with her feet. Now she can get up on her hands and knees for a little bit, or she gets in a plank position to move. I have to constantly be watching her now. She has also started rolling over a little bit more, but she still cries every time...I don't know why it scares her so much.

Macy has turned into a big flirt and loves to smile at everyone. She still checks everyone out and is cautious, but almost anyone can get smiles out of her now.

Macy's favorite toys are cups. A cup is what actually got her to start scooting. She loves to drink water out of my cups, and she actually does it really well with very little mess.

Macy kicks like CRAZY when she gets excited; she does it so intensely when she wants to be picked up and she knows I'm coming to get her.
She has been doing a lot of swimming and loves it. I have a little kiddie pool she goes in, and she just splashes and splashes. For a family reunion a couple weeks ago we went to some hot springs. We took Macy in and she kicked like a frog and splashed like crazy. The water has tons of minerals in it so she would make a funny face when it got in her mouth, but she just kept on splashing.

Macy is a champion eater...she will eat anything and everything I give her. People who have seen her eat are highly impressed. She has had rice cereal, squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans, peas, and prunes. The last two were the only ones that she didn't just love. It's funny because Clark doesn't like peas and I don't like prunes so it must be genetic.

At 6 months Macy weighed 15 lbs 8 oz(45%), she was 27 inches(90%), and her head was in the 75%. She keeps staying in the same curve. The doctor estimates she will be around 5' 10"!

Macy continues to just be a complete pleasure of a daughter. I love her to pieces!


  1. I LOVE Macy's kicking. It is so cute. You can always tell when she is excited! She is such an easy going baby. Love her to pieces also!

  2. She is So smiley in pictures now, I love it!! I love her flower head band!!

  3. She is so cute and growing so fast! =)
