Oh man how I love my baby! She gets cuter and cuter every day. She is getting so smart and I keep expecting her to start talking to me. She does however, have her way of communicating with me. With different pitches of "EHHHS," she lets me know what she thinks or wants.
Macy now drinks from a sippy cup. It has taken her a couple days to figure out how to feed it to herself, she can do it all by herself. She self feeds most everything. I just don't trust her with a spoon and yogurt, or anything of that consistancy.
I have taught Macy some new tricks. She now gives high fives and she can grab my nose when I ask her where my nose is.
Macy is cruising all around the place. She thinks she can walk, but definitely doesn't have the balance...this leads to some not so pleasant tumbles.
Macy's hair is growing, but not fast enough for my liking. I can put clips in it, but they just don't look great because she has almost no hair on the sides of her head. The back is getting longer and sometimes gets a little curl in it. I can't wait to see what it looks like when it is grown out.
She continues to be a string bean. I feed her as much as I possibly can, but still no fat sticks to her. Clark even told me to stop feeding her all the time. She seriously is almost always eating.
Macy's favorite time of the day is our walk. She is happy the entire time and looks around at all of the scenery.
Macy LOVES animals. She starts shaking with excitement at the sight of any animal. I was watching some show that had zoo animals on the screen, and Macy stared at the animals and squealed at them. It is precious.
Macy is moving all over the place, and with that comes some bad effects. One is that I will find her chewing on something, and when I get it out of her mouth, it is a worm or a beetle!!! YUCK! I hate that we have so many little bugs coming into our house all the time...it is quite inconvenient.
Macy is a great appreciator of music. She dances ANY time music comes on...even if it is just a little snip it from a commercial, or a little tune I sing around the house. My favorite is when she starts busting out her moves in church to the hymns...so cute.
Macy also loves babies/kids and she will talk/squak at them at the top of her lungs. I think I need to make her a little sibling ;)