Sunday, May 23, 2010

They Chill

Macy and Clark have had a lot of Daddy daughter bonding time lately. They "hang out" and "chill," as Clark likes to call it. I tutor for an hour Monday through Thursday, so they have that time each day, and I try to work out Monday through Saturday. It is so cute the special little bond they have. Macy ALWAYS smiles when she sees her daddy. I hope this lasts forever. I Love my little family!

Don't they look like twins?


  1. I love what a sweet baby Macy is. She is so easy going. And darling to boot.

  2. She is so cute! I love it. It sometimes seems to me like thats not her because she looks so different from last time I saw her...(when she was born...) So after I hang out with her a little this summer I am sure it will start to seem like thats really her.
