Friday, April 2, 2010

3 months and more

I can't seem to move the pictures, so here we go:
Our friends, Mark and Noelle took these pictures of our little family on St. Patty's Day. We have been having so much fun hanging out with them. We eat dinner, play Risk, and watch "How I Met Your Mother". They are so patient with how much I have to feed Macy and try to put her to sleep. It is so fun to have married couples to hang out with that both Clark and I get along with.

Macy is also 3 months...well she is now almost 4 months, but we have been busy and I haven't had time to post.
We went to the doctor to check on macy's head and Torticollis, we are going to the skull doc to make sure no bones have fused.
At the Doctor's office they weighed Macy and she weighed 12 lbs 13 oz, that is only a little over a pound since 2 months. I'm guessing her weight gain will speed up since she has been wanting to eat CONSTANTLY for the past couple of weeks. She doesn't give me a break.
Macy used to be the most wonderful sleeper, sleeping 7-10 hours straight at night, eating a snack and going back down for a couple more hours, but lately she doesn't want to sleep at all. Getting her to take naps is torture, and they almost never last more than an hour. Today she has only taken one 15 minute nap so far. AHHH she needs to sleep. I know she is over tired.
When she does sleep, she talks in her sleep. It is really cute when she coo's. She also has nightmares. She will cry in her sleep without waking up. It makes me so sad and worried that I will cause her to have more nightmares if I let her cry too long.
Macy has rolled from her tummy to her back once. She doesn't enjoy tummy time, so it's hard for me to put her on her tummy all the time.
Macy loves music and she likes to sing along. When I sing to her, she will coo along. She also coo's along with music on the tv or radio.
Macy is afraid of the dark. When we are riding in the car at night, she will cry, but she usually stops when we put on the light.
Macy has a really hard time getting her burps out. She usually wakes up from her naps or in the night because she needs to burp. If anyone has any suggestions for how to help her burp, I will gladly take them. I can't wait til her burps don't wake her up and she can burp on her own.
Macy is very expressive. She loves to talk ALL the time...even when she is eating.
Macy LOVES her fingers. Her hand is always in her mouth. At first it was just her fist, then she stuck one finger in and was choking herself, now she found two fingers to suck on. I'm nervous that she will get buck teeth from this, so I am trying to force the pacifier on her. She just semi started taking the NUK pacifier last night...let's hope it works.
Macy loves to touch my face and look at me...this is a problem when I am trying to feed her and she just wants to interact with me.
Oh how I love my little girl!


  1. Ohhh... I love the second picture!!! All three of you look so good! Both of my kids wanted to interact or look around or play while eating. Good luck with that one - it is no fun! And how funny that she coos in her sleep. Stella talks in her sleep, but I don't think she did it at Macy's age. That is pretty funny!

  2. Cute family pics! Macy looks so tall! That's no fun with the burping thing. Oliver was like that for a week and I just had to burp him a few times during feedings. But he'd cry then too because he was hungry. You just can't win. We like the nuk pacifier too. That's the only one he'll take.

  3. I just love reading about your cute little daughter. You guys sound like you are doing so well!!! Macy is so cute!
