Friday, August 27, 2010


Today I was going to share this incredible recipe I found for completely healthy and scrumptious pumpkin chocolate chip muffins. As I sat down to write this post, I get a phone call from my hubby. First thing he makes me do is promise that I will not freak out...he then proceeds to tell me that he hydroplaned on the freeway, spun out and hit the center divider. He assures me that he is ok, so I ask about the car. He answers a little vaguely, and I know he is holding something back. He then tells me that he is not good with breaking news to people. I am thinking that the car is totalled because he assured me that he was ok. He then tells me as quickly as possible that his thigh might be broken. WHAT?!?! Now I am officially in panic mode. I am crying and hysterical as one can imagine. He reassures me again and tells me that he will call me when they get him moved off the freeway; and just as he goes to hang up the phone I hear the sickening sound of sirens in the background.

At this point my heart is beating at a beyond rapid pace and all I want is someone there to comfort me and take it all away. That's when I call my mommy. I cry to her and tell her the news. The only problem is that I don't know all of the news because in true Clark fashion he is trying to make everything ok and not panic (we really do even each other out). After talking with my mom, I go upstairs and tell my grandma. She immediately cancels her trip to Idaho that she was about to leave on and tells me that she will go with me wherever I need to go. I was so grateful to have her support.

Clark calls me back and tells me that the tow truck came and that he will be waiting for me to pick him up at a Burger King off the freeway (I have taught him something in saving money, he chose to be picked up rather than ride in the ambulance). I hurry and pack up Macy and we get in the car. I find him limping and carrying all our important belongings from our car. He is still worrying about me and trying to make sure I am ok...what a guy.

I believe everyone should have a doctor in their family because thanks to my aunt we were able to pass the ER and go straight into x rays. After the x rays, Clark heads straight to work to show them that he is devoted to his job and that nothing will hold him back. He took no pain medication.

I just received information that his leg looks fine, but that he quite possibly has a fracture in his shoulder. Tomorrow we will find out more details and get it all taken care of.

Today I am grateful that we read our scriptures and said our prayers. Today I am grateful that I got up early with my husband to spend time with him and make him a special breakfast and packed his lunch and dinner. Today I am grateful that I told him how much I loved him, and how I would never want to live with out him. Today I am grateful that somehow he was not hit by another car as he flew through lanes of traffic. Today I am grateful that the car did not flip like he was expecting it to. Today I am grateful we drive safe Camrys. Today I am grateful that Clark has a good job and we have health insurance. Today I am grateful that we have paid a ton of money for good car insurance. Today I am grateful that I get to see my wonderful husband again and hold him and kiss him and tell him again how much I love him. Today I am grateful that I have a husband who thinks of me even when he is in extreme pain and shock. Today I am reminded again that I am married to the most perfect man in the universe for me...there is no other man that comes close to being as perfect for me as he is. Today I am grateful.


  1. Oh my goodness Michelle! I'm so glad Clark is okay. It's wonderful that you're such a great wife. :) I'll keep your family in my prayers!

  2. Thats would be such a scary phone call to get! Im so glad that Clark is okay and that the Lord is watching over you guys! We will keep you in our prayers and if there is anything that we can do for you guys just let us know!

  3. Well Michelle, I too am grateful that your sweet hubby is still here. AND, beside that point, I'd say that you wrote so very eloquently.

  4. ahh!I can only imagine how scarey that would have been..glad he is ok. It is amazing the blessings we can get in our lives when we live rightously =)

  5. Michelle, that's so scary. I'm so glad he's okay. I'm glad you guys had 2 cars too. I hope everything is going good now and he is recovering well. We're thinking of you.

  6. So glad he is ok...he should come see Geoff, make sure there is nothing else going on
