Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Ultrasound 12 weeks!!!

Here is our baby a week and a half ago. We went in to hear the heartbeat, but the doctor couldn't find one, so we had an ultrasound. The first thing the doctor said was, "Oh there's a heartbeat." He didn't want me to freak out. I think he could tell that I was getting a little panicked. But it was so fun to be able to see our baby again. We got to have an ultrasound a month earlier so they could figure out how far along I was since I dont have regular periods.

I was amazed at how much the baby had grown. Last time the baby looked like a little blob...this time it actually looked like a little baby (or chicken if you ask Clark). I just think that it is the most precious thing in the world! I love my baby!!!

Well now that I am in the second trimester, I don't really feel all that pregnant anymore. Before I was soooo tired and felt a little sick. I never threw up lucky! Now I have energy and I don't really feel sick at all. It might have something to do with not having to work anymore, but either way, I am grateful. It sometimes worries me that I'm not feeling sick, but I should just be glad. My belly has only grown a little bit. I feel like I just am looking fat. Other people don't really notice the belly change...but I do. I think it might be because I can feel it and they can't. I am wearing my "fat pants". I'm not yet truly into maternity clothes, but I don't fit into my regular clothes. I think this is the awkward stage of pregnancy.


  1. We are so happy for you both! Congratulations!

  2. dang, I wish the picture was easier to see more definition of the baby. oh well, I'm glad you got the picture up anyway. So sweet.

  3. Yeah...not much detail. The ultrasound lasted about 30 seconds. They just checked for a heartbeat and measured and stopped. In a month and a half we will have plenty of detail though. Yay!!

  4. So pretty much all of pregnancy is awkward...just for different reasons. Just make sure to watch your step - cause with my first pregnancy I fell sooo many times. And remember - I am pretty sure it is the ultrasound technicians job to make you worry. So when you have your major ultrasound - just think, stella was supposedly just a mass of messed up cells, and sterling had down syndrome. :) Can't wait to find out what the little munchkin is. Andy says boy. I first though girl - but then I almost just wrote he, so I guess I am still on the fence. And I love "it" already too! Can't wait to see what "it" looks like. So fun!

  5. Cute little peanut. I can't wait to see you and your little bump!

  6. woo hoo! I am soo happy for the both of you! I can't wait to see pics of your cute growing belly!! Glad the pregnancy is going good. So exciting!!!!

  7. They couldn't find Savannah's heart beat either at first, so they did a ultrasound, but with Cooper it was real strong. Based on that, I'm going to "guess" that it's a girl. That may mean nothing at all and just the placement of the baby when they're that little, but I'm making my own theory. Plus, I was very tired and not real sick with Savannah, so another notch to my theory. whatever it is, you will have so much fun. Stock up on diapers now!
