Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Rounding out the 37th Week

I officially only have 2 weeks and 1 day til my due date!!!! HIP HIP HOORAY! It is getting so close, I can't believe it. People are still amazed at how little I look, but I went to the doctor today and I am measuring right on schedule. I am still feeling really good and the little one is moving like CRAZY. She officially takes up my ENTIRE abdomen. Everywhere I push, I can feel her...so fun.

Today at the doctor's office, I found out that I am 2 cm dilated and 90% effaced! I'm pretty excited about that. The more I progress now, the less I will have to progress when I am in pain. Clark wants me to go into labor tonight because then we will have a long weekend to spend together, but the doctor said she will probably come at the worst possible time, which is my due date and Clark's finals. We shall see.

Here is my bare belly at 37 weeks and 5 days. After taking these pictures, I realized that I kinda still have a waist...cool.

Sorry to blind you, but I think my belly is cute. I still haven't gotten stretch marks (hallelujah) and let's hope it stays that way.
In other news:
Clark and I set up our Charlie Brown Christmas tree. I really want the house to be decorated for Christmas when the baby gets home, so we did it a little early. It is so fun to get into the Christmas spirit. We still have to put up our garland, stockings, and make our wreath.

Clark gave me one of my Christmas presents early...tickets to the midnight showing of NEW MOON! It was a sacrifice for Clark to be in a theater with a bunch of teeny bopper girls, but he pulled through. I did really well and didn't even get tired, but I was pretty swollen when I woke up the next afternoon. Clark is team Jacob, but I am and will always be team Edward...even if I did marry a man who looks like he could be in the quillette tribe.


  1. dont get me started on not seeing new moon yet. I am jealous... blah

  2. How cute are you! Just so you know it can happen anytime, I went in at 38 weeks! They told me it was too early, but a few minutes later, the show started! Sleep now! :)

  3. No stretch marks, I'm so jealous! I have like a million. :-(

  4. I love your Christmas tree, it makes me want to put mine up now. Now it's go time to start getting that babe out. You'll have to do a few posts a week to keep us updated.
